Phobia Cure

What is phobia?

Phobias are intense fears of objects or situations that pose little or no harm in reality. Any uncontrolled, persistent, irrational fear that is accompanied by a compelling desire to avoid the object, activity, or situation that provokes the fear, is called a phobia. As far as the brain is concerned it is no different from PTSD. The same neuronal pathways are involved. 

Signs of phobias:

Those who suffer from phobias become extremely anxious when exposed to an object or situation that triggers their fear. Some sufferers may become anxious from simply thinking about their fear. Individuals may take great measures to avoid trigger objects or situations.

Phobias commonly cause panic attacks, characterized by difficulty breathing, sweating, racing heartbeat, and confusion. Fear transitions into phobia when a situation causes an extreme response. The response lingers with the sufferer on a long-term basis, possibly forever, resulting in panic attacks whenever objects or situations that spark the trigger are presented.

Depending on the nature of the phobia, this can make it difficult for sufferers to work, drive, care for children, spend time outside, or participate in other essential activities.

Causes of phobias:

Exact causes of phobias are variable, and are often unknown. Some studies indicate that phobias are genetic. It is also theorized that childhood trauma, or observation of family members being frightened or injured, can stick with a child through to adulthood, resulting in phobias. Since many phobias develop early in life, adults may not recall the specific events that cause phobias to develop.

Treatment of phobias:

The amygdala part of the brain has to learn that it is possible to visualise the incident without panicking, and the most reliable and least invasive way to do this is through the psychological method known as the ‘Rewind Technique’. This technique is a refinement of one taught on NLP courses for many years. This is a guided imagery technique, which allows the brain to revisit the traumatic events in a dissociated way while being physically extremely calm, so that the amygdala can reinterpret the memory patterns as non-threatening. When delivered by a trained therapist, it reliably relieves the nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks and intrusive memories.